Tuesday 22 May 2007

(pipe) Water is neutral!!!!

Yes! Surprisingly (pipe) water is neutral. How do (I) we know this? Well it's all due to the contributions of one man:

On May the 21st Mr. nosaJ gnoW decide to dedicate not his life's work, but at least his next one minute's work to find the pH value of water. So, on that sunny morning, in B.M.S. tS. hpesoJ's Chemistry lab, surrounded by fellow 'scientists-in-the-making', he began his experiments.

He carefully looked around to see if the rehcaeT was watching and turned on the tap. The welcome sound of water trickling through the short pipe trilled him strangely. He thanked Providence for it's generousness. If Providence had not put into being Mr. X, who, in turn, started the agabmeL riA gnihcuK, where would he, a lowly 'scientist-in-the-making' be? Thank Providence.

He carefully manoeuvred the red and blue coloured litmus papers toward the incredibly unsteady stream of hydrogen hydroxide, H2O, water. But Fate, Providence's evil half untervened. The rehcaeT turned his way! Luckily he managed to disguise his actions.

In a few heart-pounding minutes, the danger was past. Even 'scientists-in-the-making' have many hidden hazards to face! He resumed his 'investigations'. This time he succeeded ingetting the red litmus paper underneath the flow of water. He then extracted it and examined it minutely. but, to his horror, no change, no alteration could be seen! How could this be? Was not (pipe) water not not not neutral? Was it not not not not not slightly acidic?

After our 'valiant' hero recovered from his amazement and the jeering of his fellow 'scientists-to-be', he concluded, most sophisticatedly, that (pipe) water is neutral.

So ends today's adventures. Tune in next time for more adventures of Mr. nosaJ gnoW ieW haT. (I assure you there are more like the time he helped prove that "statistics are like bikinis" and even found out why. But that's a story for another day. And besides it's slightly rude and embarasing)

P.S. Names and other facts in this anecdote have been reversed to protect privacy. And this message is brought to you by the agabmeL riA gnihcuK and Microsoft Word.

Wednesday 9 May 2007

Something to say

Today while in total boredom of Physics for not being able to understand half of it. The thought of having nothing to say (or write) during the upcoming Chemistry test hit me hard.

"When you don't know what to say, you say...Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!"

Wordy, eh? This has long been my longest word until I discoved others like Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliomania (my title) and another one too long to remember relating to a type of lung cancer.

Anyone know of a better/longer word let me know.

Until then, Mary Poppins didn't have a dictionary.