Thursday 2 October 2008

Miscellaneously the same

Well, whatever that means [see title]...

Yes, I have once again back to verify the authenticity of my deceased existence in cyberspace. Topics fail me now. Hence, I will have to drone on with no apparent subject at all save whatever may seem fit once it is finished. Like a great painter [I forget his name] once replied when asked what he was painting, he said ... "whatever emerges".

I have now sucessfully restraint that which is mortal in me to post for a trivial 2 months. I feel absolutely unrefreshed, in a cyberspacey sort of way. Yet I feel the realities of the existing living, teeming world of the internet will be force to question my existence from beyond the graves of the internet.

The precedents of our impending assesment as is our subjection by our citizenship has come and gone. Quite plainly, the extremely not unnecessary mock Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia aka SPM [duh?] imposed upon us by our now extremely not uninteresting government. And whilst we are all bemoaning why the rest of the also incredibly not uninteresting world [whether it be in our current economic or political or terroritical (that seriously should be made into an official term) situations] do not need to suffer from this incredibly tiring times, I am very sure only the most sane of us [unlike most of you out there in denial, I actually admit that being medically sane is extremely rare and assuredly technically insane by virtue of the fact that the majority is normal and therefore the majority is sane; put simply, we're all wacked out:)] born in the currently most unhappy year of 1991 have actually sought to further enhance our chances of pulling through this incredible tribulation. In "English" [aka that "thing" you all understand], I bet none of you studied!

So yeah, this week has undoubtedly been wasted by most of us buggers. Personally, my week started with a series of dreadfully unfortunate, portentuos events. First the remarkable spoils of wars fought in many countries and planes and dimensions all came crumbling back to haunt my unrest reminding one that the battle is never over when it seems to be, it is, in fact, only the beginning of one more terrible. [kinda like in those cliched, repetitive but we-watch-cos-we-got-nothin-better-to-do shows where after the main charaster defeats one ultra-powerful thingy, an even better one always show up; and they appear marvelously ... all in ascending order of power - coincidence?] Or in layman's terms, my mock SPM results came back. My overall evaluation of myself: you win some, you lose some.

That and Sunday came with the powerfully weird but true revelation that some of us unremarkable guys are, sadly, only considered sexy when we've chance to have an unfortunate lingering irritation in our oral capacities. Yep, that's right: I was told I sounded "extremely sexy today" ... by a girl ... because I was having a blasted sore throat and was sounding like Kuching's own version of Enrico Caruso! [I want that squeaky, I-sound-like-myself-and-I'm-still-attractive voice back, sigh...] Guys, we should get sick more often - apparently it's a turn-on. At least I can rest assured I'm actually the least bit eye-catching ... when I'm sick that is :(

Yes, another bout of that unfortunate period of time graciously and well-meaningly [but by no means successfully] bestowed upon us by the higher powers failed to be put to contructive enterprises yet again. I have officially wasted another holiday [don't we always]. Seems to me that many of these intriguing episodes of lost time are essentially put there for us to lose during our early years only to taunt us relentlessly as we age by thwarting our many future efforts to be too productive. Oh yeah, we lose time now and when it comes round again, we try too hard and end up meaning to do more yet achieving less. Life's so incredibly incredible isn't it?

Signing off, nihplod, tsohG s'rohtuA ehT.

P.S. Someone do something worth blogging about! ... and make sure I find out!


nihploD said...

This has got to be my worst post ever!

A Budding Engineer said...

Ooh, looks like your muse 'ahem' won't see you anymore